Thursday, September 28, 2006

Somehow I Don't See the Logic

Early this week my partner and I took a trip down to central Illinois to visit her family. Most of the land is occupied by corn and soybeans, which seems unfortunate given the fertile quality of the soil. It seems like more of the land could be devoted to food for us rather than for subsidized crops for livestock feed, high fructose cornsyrup, hydrogenated soybean oil, and other similar products that are poisoning us. Anyhow, as we were driving down a state highway outside of McLean, Illinois I came across these mind-boggling signs set up in sequence.

According to their website there are more of these signs scattered around (especially central Illinois). Best of all, they are asking for more ideas for creating more signs. Still, I fail to see any logic whatsoever in these signs. It's like saying the more cars we have on the highway the less accidents we will have.


At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to see their statistics on that one. Although I would love to see more Bermuda Shave style signs. I hate billboards, but at least these are small and interesting.

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the antiquated logic similar to anti-Prohibition. There was a raging black market for alcohol during the Prohibition, and it seemed people went to further excesses than they might have had their drink not been forbidden.

Same thing with guns, maybe? Ah well.


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