Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Lost Art of Pen palling or Why I Enjoy Blogging (Alternative Title)

When I was in high school and even early stages of college I had several pen pals. Because I am an old timer, it should be noted that this was before blogging, chat rooms were just starting out, and not everyone had emails. We didn't even have internet in our high school-only over at the vocational center. I remember my friend getting excited because he was able to print out all of the Senators contact information with the click of a mouse. Finding taboo websites such as Dan's Gallery of the Grotesque or one that had the complete Unibombers Manifesto seemed cool.

So with access to the web so limited, people like myself found pen palling an interesting way to meet people in other parts of the world or country who shared similar interests. My longest lasting ones were Cristina from Texas and Cindee from Ohio. We shared stories and dreams, mixed tapes, rambles, and sometimes just boring everyday details of life. We swapped SLAM's, which were homemade booklets or sheets that contained random questions that one was expected to answer. They would get passed around among pen pals until it was filled and returned to the creator. We used the SLAMs to protray our life artistically and throuh our interests. When a SLAM was received, one could thumb through it looking for like-minded souls. At the time I was really into photography, cemeteries/death, the Cure, the Smiths, and the Bauhaus. I tended to read existentialist stuff. So most of my pen pals ended up to be the "goth" type.

Well I guess those days are gone. I no longer dye my hair black or green, I am not fascinated with death, but I still listen to the Smiths. However, I do still get enjoyment of communicating with people around the country and World. I believe that is where blogging has fit into my life. I think it is wonderful that I am able to share stories and discuss current events and beliefs with people from all over. I also enjoy peeping in on others peoples little window of their lives. Thank you all for being there.


At 11:49 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

I've often thought the same thing, I've met so many interesting people blogging!

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Stephanie Appleton said...

Never thought of it as pen pals, but you are right.

And please don't say you are an old timer. That would make me even older than an old timer then! :)

At 11:14 PM, Blogger The Fool said...

Ditto on Stephanie's closing statement. Glad you're out there're good people.

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like your post. It is nice to think of other bloggers as pen pals. :)I have enjoyed writing letters since I was a little kid. I used to write to my cousin and a girl in Japan, then a girl in New York that I met through one of those match-each-other's-answer quizzes in a teen magazine(I'm still in touch with her via email 15 years later), my husband's grandma until she passed away a couple years ago and now and then to family in Texas.
Thanks for writing.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger gtr said...

Yes, indeed! Good thoughts. I think blogging can also be an odd sort of disconnected pen-pal-ing, too, though. Sending posts out to the world, not always knowing who's really reading. And then sometimes it's just too easy to just read and not comment. Good reminder that this should be a two-way street!

At 7:07 AM, Blogger Mone said...

Thats a good way of looking at blogging. Personally i started my blog for myself, to let of some steam while still being in a bad relationship. Peoples responses and understanding gave me the strength to move on. Now I have a lot of bloggers I care about and visit often. I like to see different parts of the world and to know whats going on and since I cant afford to just hopp into a airplane and go there, blogging is a good choice.
PS: I was a heavy metal brat with leather pants and spikes on my belt etc. Hahaha, it was a fun time and yes, I still listen to most of the music :)

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Dancingfarmer said...

I guess we're all "peeping toms" at heart aren't we?!?!

At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had pen pals forver and I'm 46 tomorrow. I do still actually write since I don't have a blog.
Writing for me,with pen to paper is so soothing.
But boy do I love my fav blogs. Yours being one of them!

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Carla said...

Great way of looking at blogging...and yes, it's wonderful to connect with so many interesting people. Thanks.

At 7:51 PM, Blogger BurdockBoy said...

stp &tf: I know I was just having some fun. I'm around too many young'uns.

M: that's cool you stayed in touch. I wish I could get a hold of a couple of my old pen pals.

gtr: it is odd. I saw some people did delurking posts this month to try to bring out the non-posters.

mone: I often wonder why people start up their blogs. That may make for a good post. Heavy metal brat, hah. I was into metal in 6th grade and sort of moved away from it.

kim: thanks. Like I said to M I wish I still had a couple of my pen pals. Maybe they blog.


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