Thursday, February 22, 2007

Horror Movie Night

Since the "Nasty Cold" has still been lingering, I have taken up watching movies the past couple of days. One I rented last night was the horror film, no wait, documentary film Jesus Camp.

I saw the trailer online a couple months ago, but the film never made it to our pathetic excuse for a theatre. I was excited to see it already out on DVD. I won't give a movie review or plot summary, just a few of my observations.

First off, holy Crap. I knew there were sects of Evangelism that were very politically active and extremely right-wing, but I had no idea of how their children also played a role in their agenda. There was a scene where they had a pro-life speaker talking to children (as young as six) about abortion. By the end of his visit, he had them praying for GW Bush to appoint righteous judges. They were even chanting "Righteous Judges, Righteous Judges" over and over.

In another scene, on topic with my last post, the leader of the camp, Becky Fischer, mentioned Harry Potter. She went on to say, or shout rather, that "Warlocks are the enemy of God." All of the kids looked pretty freaked out. Of course none of the kids were allowed to read or watch Harry Potter, although one boy happily admitted to watching the movies at his Dad's. It's a good thing Becky didn't hear him. She would have thrown holy water on him or made him repent or something. I guess these are the types of parents we can thank for all of the book banning going on.

There were two ironic things I noticed in the movie. Most obvious was Ted Haggard's appearance in it. He briefly mentioned something against gays. I was also looking for a sort of meth gleam in his eye, but I'm not really trained in that. Of course, shortly after this movie came out, we all know of his fate.

The other irony was less clear. It involved global warming. In the film, there was a scene where a mother was homeschooling her child on creation as fact and evolution as "stupid". She also was saying that global warming is a political issue, similar to evolution I guess. However, not long after filming the movie, many evangelicals came out demanding more be done to fight global warming. I guess the scientists are okay to listen to sometimes.

So, if the Grudge 2 isn't scary enough, check out Jesus Camp. It's good to know there are such level-headed people out there teaching their kids The Truth.

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At 7:15 AM, Blogger Stephanie Appleton said...

As a Christian, movies like this make me sad. That is religion, not Christianity. There is a difference.. .

Anyhow, Tim's been taking vinegar for a cold. We saw Apple Cider vinegar recommended for colds. He is using blackberry (b/c that is what we made) and it seems to really be helping.

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Mone said...

It is sad to see such fanatic people in the year 2007. What is this leading too? Perhaps not to some understanding of others beliefs.
I didnt hear if the movie is out over here, but it seems like a good one to check out, and if it is only to show the kiddies what wackos are out there.

PS: I have some flowers for you on my site :)

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Mone said...

They dont have it on Amazon yet, but I'll keep looking :)

At 12:16 AM, Blogger BurdockBoy said...

It seems that all groups of a belief or idealogy have within them another group that makes the whole look bad. The individuals in this movie are definitely contain the most fundamental aspects of Christianity.

I have never heard of using Vinegar. My ailment is on the tailend, but I will give it a go next time. Or maybe I'll never get a cold again. :)

It would be great to show kids. Make them feel lucky for having a Mother like you instead of sending them off to the camp. I hope you bcan find it. Oh and thanks for the flowers. Spring is still a ways a way.

At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the movie, but from what I can tell, it's not Christianity in anything close to a legitimate form. Fundamentalism in any religious tradition is dangerous, in my opinion, for it seems to discourage rational thought and bring out the worst impulses in people under the guise of 'righteousness.'

At 1:36 PM, Blogger BurdockBoy said...

You are correct. They are to Cristianity waht Osama B L is to Islam.


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