Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Getting Ready For The Long Winter

I love the Northwoods, but I have to admit that the winters are too long. By the time late April gets here and it still feels like winter, I'm ready for a trip to the Southwest. The long winters also require plenty of preparations. In my case plenty of firewood. This year we took the easy way and ordered some loggers cords to be delivered. I didn't get out in the woods early enough this year to harvest any firewood. Still I found a local firewood dealer who only charged $350 for 5 cord (mostly oak and maple)

Me and Emma. I have plenty of splitting ahead!

I also can't seem to spend enough time in the sugarbush. The yellows are so brilliant and the smell of sweet dried maple leaves makes me feel at ease. I also need to haul some dry wood down to the sugarbush and store it for boiling in the spring. There is nothing worse than a crumby damp fire when trying to boil sap. If I feel extra motivated there are a lot of hemlocks starting to grow up around the maples that should be cleared out.
My rustic boil pan. I really need a stainless steel pan.
The Bent Sugar maple.

Emma on the trail.

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At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You live in a beautiful place! And Emma is such a pretty puppy!


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