Friday, January 19, 2007

Who is the Sicko that Draws this Stuff?

Yesterday I was sitting on my bathroom floor staring at my water heater, you know like any normal person, when I was struck by the graphic nature of the warning label. I mean come on, wasn't the red burn on the flesh of the hand enough? Do we really need the guy engulfed in flames?

Well it got me thinking. Sometimes the most harmless things have warning labels. Or the labels only address acute problems like "This coffee is hot, don't spill it on yourself and sue us, moron."

So let me propose labels for those things that are not as obvious. I believe cars should include warning labels with an ice chunk breaking into the ocean, trees burning, and some guy drowning. Yeah. But first, my medicated dairy cow labels. (rough draft)

Please share any warning labels you feel that are needed.


At 12:10 AM, Blogger M said...

Ummm, if it were me, I'd revise that to say, "We're the FDA and we do know shit, but we just don't care." I think that's a lot more accurate.

At 12:12 AM, Blogger The Fool said...

I really do like the labels on products to be straight-forward, factual, and to the point. I think your label this will suffice. Yup.

At 2:13 AM, Blogger Carla said...

You've done a great job on your label. Love the graphic nature...and of course it helps that you've chosen a topic I feel very strongly about.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger BurdockBoy said...

m: or maybe we're "hiding" shit.

tfool: in a college english class i once had to write a paper describing in steps how to do a simple task. it was tough to be straight forward, but not leave anything out. i guess these labels sum up a lot and they're universal. maybe this should be an art project.

carla: just wait for my car labels....

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Toby said...

The funniest I've come across, besides your BGH warning is for a toilet brush. "Do not use for personal hygiene." Another fun silly warning label site.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger M said...

Yeah, "hiding" is good. Great label and drawing, by the way. Forgot to mention earlier how much I liked it.

I get angry about this issue, especially about medications, knowing how little our government does to protect us. The sad thing is so many people think "If it weren't safe, our government wouuldn't allow it, so it must be okay" and end up jeapordizing themselves because of it.

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Emme said...

Love the label! Simple and straight to the point.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger BurdockBoy said...

toby: there were some pretty funny warning labels and signs on that site. I wish they showed a photo of the real thing though.

m; It's funny because sometimes they try to over protect us (which is often a corporate ploy protecting their interests-as in hemp, or they pretend all is well.

emme: thanks. perhaps the cow should have looked a bit unhappy though.

At 10:35 PM, Blogger uāˆƒāˆƒl!āˆƒ said...

I love the label.

At one point there was a push to NOT even allow the hormone free meat to be labeled as such. There was a fear that doing such would somehow send the message that non hormone free was somehow bad. I don't remember the details.

Instead of the FDA not caring, I think it is more about pressure from those who might loose profit.

At 8:51 AM, Blogger El said...

Your next job will be to show 12 debeaked hens in a cage as big as a catbox to slap on each and every carton of eggs. You can move on to the de-tailed pigs in 8 story tall pens for a pound of bacon. Then cattle standing a foot deep in their own poop as they await their slaughter for the cellophane-wrapped steak. Hey: this can be a fun exercise for all of us! How about (and harder to draw) topsoil depletion, and pesticide runoff that encourages algae blooms and desexed frogs? We can slap that on a package of Corn Flakes.

Maybe I am not finished ranting. You're on to something, BBoy.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Dancingfarmer said...

personally I like M's little change to "but we just don't care"
Good cow pic---your daughter will be envious :-D

At 12:51 PM, Blogger BurdockBoy said...

coboble: yeah I remember. I was surprised when I started seeing labels saying their product was hormone free. I also remember when Oreon tried to pass that measure to have GMO's labeled. Too bad that didn't pass.

el: I was thinking about a caged label of some sort. Thanks.

monica:Thanks. The FDA definitely have their priorities mixed up.


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